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Let the adventure begin!

Adventure is a word that is so often used, but do you know what it means? What does it mean to be adventurous? Does it always have to be jump of an airplane or climb a mountain?

The definition of adventure is something like “engaging in an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity”.

To start, an adventure for one person could not be for another person. For one person trying skydiving for the first time could be an adventure, but for the skydiving instructor that isn´t is just a normal day of work. Each person has a different opinion of what adventure is.

For us, adventure is going out of your comfort zone, open yourself up to the experiences that life gives to you, doing something that you normally wouldn´t do. Adventure is always something that brings you a mix of feelings, fear of the unknown for one side and excitement for the other. Is about seeing the world from a different perspective.

It’s not always about going away to some tropical destination, but about finding excitement in the new and the old. You have to break ground into new territories or experiences you have never done before. Part of the fun of adventures comes from the new, at some point, the more you do something, the less you will actually get out of it.

Anything adventurous needs a little bit of fear. That doesn´t mean overcoming your biggest fears, just a little fear. Advancing into the unknown is scary. It’s exploring where you are and choosing to look at it differently.

Adventure can be found in our everyday lives, in the small things, only you can choose to see it. Could mean try a new meal, try a coffee in a different way or even try a new look. Adventure is about trying out new experiences. Is living your life outside of your comfort zone. Is about taking opportunities and living with passion, enthusiasm and excitement.

Adventure is a choice.

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What is the feeling of riding a wave?

Surf is the most popular board sport ever invented and is highly addictive. There are over 20 million surfers in the world, and this number is growing faster than ever. Surfers only ride a wave for some seconds, and the waves of their lives just come once in a while.

So, what makes this experience so breathless and highly addictive? Surfers said that riding a wave is a breathless experience, adrenaline is on top and pump your hear and blood.

The sun, sand and salt water have a positive impact in health. It´s a relaxing and exciting experience.

As you are getting better in surfing, you want to surf more, to improve more, and go always ahead. Every wave brings a different feeling, only a surfer knows, it´s a great way of living, makes you feel alive.

You always want to explore more and discover new surf spots, there are waves in every corner of the world, each ridden wave is a personal story, and your first wave is always unforgettable.

Surfing photos are inestimable and truely pieces of art and surfboards are objects of design and desire.

Some say that riding a wave is like a “Perfect Storm”, look like you are flying and in perfect harmony with the nature.

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Tribe34& Opening Wave One- Look to all the Limited Editions

Tribe34 aligns with Opening Ceremony to create the Wave One- Release, an exclusive limited edition sneaker, that utilizes the classic suede with Adventure style. Since the first realease this models were essentially avid skateboarders, surfers, bodyboards, Btt and the streetsytle.

Choosing the Portuguese female Champion 2016 – Carol Henrique as Ambassador of the campaign “Always go Further” the sneakers Rendered in  vibrants colors which also references the adventure spirit and nature vibes— you can purchase it now only online.
